Whole wheat vegan microwave cookies


I love the convenience of making cookie-in-a-mug type things because you can have a nice warm cookie after just microwaving it for a minute. I tweaked some recipes to make a slightly healthier version though, with whole wheat flour and I used cacao nibs instead of chocolate chips, although either would work. This recipe makes about 4 cookies the size of your hand, so you can keep it in the fridge and use some of it each time instead of having to mix the ingredients fresh each time.


1/3 cup vegan butter

2/3 cup brown sugar

a capful of vanilla extract

a sprinkle of salt

2/3 cup almond milk

1 cup whole wheat flour

1/3 cup cacao nibs or chocolate chips


Put the butter in a glass storage bowl and microwave for about 20 sec to soften it

Mix the rest of the ingredients in and store in the fridge, covered, until you want a cookie

To make a cookie, spread a few spoonfuls of dough on a plate and shape into a circle, and microwave for 1 minute